Frequently Asked Questions About Waxing

How long does my hair need to be for waxing?

The general rule of thumb is 1/4 an inch. Usually this is 3-4 weeks of hair growth. The longer the better.

Can i get waxed while on my period?

Yes, please just wear a tampon.

What should you not do before waxing?

Shave, trim, wear tight clothes, intake alcohol.

How long after waxing can i shower?

It's perfectly fine to take a cool or warm shower after your wax, however, I recommend waiting at least 5-8 hours for the skin to recover. Avoid hot showers or steam rooms after your wax. Hair follicles remain open for hours after waxing, so it's best to avoid contact with any excess moisture for at least 24 hours.

 Frequently Asked Questions About Eyelash Extensions

What should you avoid with eyelash extensions?

You will want to make sure you don’t get them wet for 24 hours after you’re full set or fill. You’ll also want to make sure you NEVER get oil on your lashes. Oil will break the glue down and result in all your lashes falling off.

Should i wash my lashes with a special soap?

Yes! We highly suggest buying a Bella Lash cleanser from our store. We sell 3 different cleansers. This will result in the best retention. You should be washing your eyelash extensions daily.

Will i ever have to get a full set after my initial full set?

No, the only time you’ll ever have to get a full set again is if you come in with less than 50% of the extensions left.

How many lashes should i be shed before my fill?

Everyone is different, but naturally we will shed 3-5 of our natural lashes a day. When our natural lashes shed so do the extensions. This is why we recommend a fill every 2-3 weeks.

 Frequently Asked Questions About Skin Care

Should I come to my facial with no makeup?

Your more than welcome to come with makeup on or not. We will double cleanse either way!

Does a Hydrafacial hurt?

No way! A Hydrafacial feels like we are sucking all the yuck out of your skin. Most will tell you it feel great!

Whats included in your mini facials?

So, all of our facials are mini facials or as some call it a “lunch time” facial. They are roughly 30-45 minutes long. You can add any upgrades like a dermaplane or a jelly mask to your facial. You will always get a double cleanse, a form of exfoliation, and all your ending creams including SPF.

 Frequently Asked Questions About Permanent Makeup

What is permanent makeup?

It is the micro-implantation of coloring pigments into the skin for aesthetic purposes to enhance, contour, and outline facial features. It is also a valuable procedure for camouflaging scars, burns, skin pigmentation variances caused by vitiligo, correcting some facial irregularities, or to further enhance facial rejuvenation and post-operative treatments.

Is permanent makeup similar to tattooing?

It has some of the same qualities, yet it is very different. Only specialists in micro-pigmentation can perform this procedure on the face; tattoo artists cannot. Permanent-Line uses only the techniques, tools, and pigments specifically designed for micro-pigmentation procedures, making it safe, sterile, and painless. Permanent makeup clinicians also use effective topical anesthetics that are not allowed for use by tattoo artists. Permanent-Line uses instruments much more delicate in design that provide natural-looking results.

Is there any discomfort associated with the procedure?

Unlike in tattooing or some other type of permanent makeup salons Permanent-Line uses topical anesthetics that are highly effective to be applied to the treated area which significantly reduces discomfort. Typically, patients will report a tickling sensation with little or no discomfort during or after a procedure has been performed.

Please be aware when booking a lip procedure, if you have ever had an outbreak of fever blisters at any point, you must consult with your doctor for a prescription of Valtrex or similar product prior to your procedure.